By default, the Kali Linux Samsung/HP Chromebook image contains the kali-linux-default metapackage similar to most other platforms. If you wish to install extra tools please refer to our metapackages page.
Install Kali Samsung Chromebook
I followed the steps installing ubuntu with crouton in my chromebook 2 since it falls between the hardware switch and OS switch for Linux/dev mode. I had zero problem going through the steps, created username and password, entered crouton shell. Closed chromebook and opened next day, replacing chrome os and removing from dev mode, erasing crouton file.
@v3nuo I was partially successful in installing crouton on my chromebook 2, but have not been able to get any kind of interface or GUI to work. I installed a couple of programs like ViM and okular, but can't get the interface of okular to open. I also was successful installing nano editor, but trying to issue the command "startgnome" blanks the screen and returns an error block that's too long to share here, but some key elements I think are pertinent are:
I started using Kali-ARM on the chromebook when official ChromeOS support for it finished a few years ago. When i first installed it, offensive security had an image avaliable for download ( ) but with the latest release (2020.1) it was not listed, so i decided to try building it myself. And hence this journey and notes.
I do not have a Samsung Chromebook but it appears that it should work. Here is a link to a person who has used the Chrouton script on a Samsung Chromebook. -to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-your-chromebook-with-crouton/Regards,
Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It is one of the most popular and widely used Linux distributions in the world. To install Kali Linux on a Samsung Chromebook, you will first need to enable Developer Mode. This can be done by pressing the ESC+F3 (Refresh) keys, and then pressing the Power button while the Chromebook is in Recovery Mode. Once Developer Mode has been enabled, you will need to install the Crouton script. This can be done by visiting the Crouton GitHub page and following the instructions. Once the Crouton script has been installed, you will need to open a terminal and type the following command: sudo sh -e /Downloads/crouton -t kali-linux This will install Kali Linux in a chroot environment. To launch Kali Linux, type the following command: sudo enter-chroot startkali You will now be able to use Kali Linux on your Samsung Chromebook. 2ff7e9595c